Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Woo Hoo Wednesday

Weigh-in...I finally blasted through that 2 week plateau I hit. I'm down 3 pounds this week though I have no idea how. Our trip to the city didn't always include the best food choices and I didn't exercise, even though I had planned to. However, I'll take it!!

It was a slow week, craft-wise. I got this cap knitted but I still have to sew up the seam.

And I only got 8 squares done. There are monthly themes and this month it's hearts and red/pink/white. I have tons of red balls but the yarn is a bit thin so I've been pairing it with pink or white baby yarn. I was stumped on what to do with the less than inspiring colours and then it hit me. I can put hearts on them!


  1. Love the squares with the hearts and flower - they're so pretty. :)

  2. Thanks, Debi! Both are quick and easy to do.
